Young Voices creates paths for talented libertarian and conservative writers to launch fulfilling careers.

The Entry-Level Blues

There’s a Catch-22 that young writers face in their early careers. In order to get published, they have to have been published. But in order to have been published, they need to get published. As a result, many talented young writers are underutilized and underemployed. Young Voices found a solution.

How We Break the Loop

Over our 10 years of operations, Young Voices has built relationships with media outlets and think tanks that crave unique perspectives from smart young minds. We find these talented freethinkers fresh out of college and promote them in the media to raise their profile as budding experts, leading to new jobs, promotions, book deals, and more.

Our Talent Ecosystem

Young Voices’ programs are not a one-and-done engagement. After acceptance into our network, our contributors have the opportunity to use our services and engage with our network for years to come. Our community has access to exclusive fellowship, mentorship, and speaking opportunities as well as off-the-record policy briefings and private events. Young Voices' network is built on meaningful connections and long-term engagement.

Our Staff

Our Programs

Contributor Program
The cornerstone of Young Voices’ offerings, the Contributor Program offers media training and placement services to students and young professionals interested in public policy and culture. Our team of PR professionals edits and places op-eds, schedules broadcast interview opportunities, and connects our best writers to mentorship and employment opportunities. After an initial four-month program, graduates of the Contributor Program are given exclusive access to fellowships, events, and other opportunities to continue their journey with Young Voices.
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Young Voices Europe
National governments and the European Union are inflating their power through large tax burdens, regulatory overreach, and nanny statism. Meanwhile, threats from China and Russia loom large and ordinary people are struggling with inflation and the cost of living. Young Voices is stoking debate by encouraging fresh, innovative thinking in the Old World around key policy issues including free trade, the cost of living, consumer freedom, and the environment.
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Dissident Project
The Dissident Project is a speakers bureau that amplifies the voices of U.S. immigrants who survived tyrannical regimes. We offer talks from a growing roster of speakers from China, North Korea, Venezuela (and others) to share their heroic stories of escape and finding a new home in America. The best part? Young Voices doesn't charge a dime for high schools to hear from our dissidents. We operate on the generosity of our supporters to inspire the next generation of Americans about the importance of freedom.
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Board of Directors

Casey Given


Scott Barbee

Vice President

Dan Grossman


Jared Meyer


Linday Craig

Board Member

Kerry Halferty Hardy

Board Member

Martin Gallun

Board Member

Board of Advisors

Nigel Ashford

Institute for Humane Studies

Tom G. Palmer

Atlas Network

Stephen Kent

Consumer Choice Center

Stephanie Slade

Reason Magazine

Sal Rodriguez

Southern California News Group

Shoshanna Weissman

R Street Institute

Robby Soave

Reason Magazine

Matt Kibbe

Free the People

Beverly Hallberg

District Media Group

Ilya Somin

George Mason University

Alexandra Hudson

Civic Renaissance

Marian L. Tupy

John Kramer

Institute for Justice


FEIN: 81-2593815
Want to learn more?
Here's a prospectus of our programs and network.
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