Announcing Our Innovation Summit

This month Young Voices launched an Innovation Fellowship for selected writers from our network to write articles on emerging technologies.

The Innovation Fellowship focuses on the tech hardware that is shaping the future of society. The three subject areas of the fellowship will be telecommunications, space, and permissionless innovation. How these industries develop is an often overlooked story that needs telling. Thoughtful analysis on these issues enriches the public discourse and can help put us on the path to limitless innovation.

As part of the educational component of the program, the fellows will attend an Innovation Summit in DC on Thursday, February 16th. This will be a chance for the fellows to gather together and learn from each other as well as a line up of experts. The fellows will participate in writing workshops and also have the opportunity hear from, and question, masters of their respective fields. The summit will feature excellent speakers from top think tanks, publications, and policy outfits.



Katherine Mangu-Ward (Editor in Chief, Reason Magazine) on private space exploration

Nathan Leamer (Vice President, Targeted Victory) on net neutrality

Tom Romeo (Associate Director of Health Care, Charles Koch Foundation) on innovation in health care

Nick Ludlum (Senior Vice President & Chief Communications Officer, CTIA) on the state of 5G in the US

Rob McDowell (Former FCC Commissioner) on the past, present, and future of the FCC


Katherine Mangu-Ward, Reason Magazine — Katherine Mangu-Ward is editor in chief of Reason, the magazine of "free minds and free markets." Her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and numerous other publications. She is a frequent commentator on radio and television, including Fox, MSNBC, C-SPAN, and HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. She has debated capitalism and socialism for Intelligence Squared and with Jacobin. She is a Future Tense Fellow at New America, and has a forthcoming TED Talk. She did a Reddit AMA. She serves on the board of directors of Students for Liberty.

Nathan Leamer, Targeted Victory — Nathan Leamer is the Vice President of Targeted Victory a digital marketing firm at the intersection of politics and business. He served the past several years as Policy Advisor to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. Before working at the Commission, he was a Senior Fellow at the R Street Institute where he managed the institute’s government relations and wrote extensively on emerging technology, intellectual property and privacy. Prior to these roles, he worked as a legislative aide on Capitol Hill.

Tom Romeo, The Charles Koch Foundation — Tom Romeo is the Associate Director of Health Care at The Charles Koch Foundation. In this role he leads the health care investment and strategy by forming strategic relationships with scholars and intellectual thought leaders in the academy. Prior to joining The Charles Koch Foundation, Romeo served as a Program Officer at Stand Together, where he drove on strategy and grant making for the health care and technology & Innovation teams.

Nick Ludlum, CTIA — Nick Ludlum is the Senior Vice President & Chief Communications Officer at the wireless trade association CTIA. He has more than a decade of high-level executive experience in corporate, policy and regulatory communications.  He served as Executive Vice President and Group Director of Corporate & Public Affairs at Ogilvy Public Relations. Prior to joining Ogilvy Nick opened and ran the Washington, DC office of Fusion Public Relations, a boutique technology public relations firm.

Rob McDowell, Cooley — Rob McDowell is co-chair of the law firm Cooley's global communications practice group and he advises telecommunications, media and technology clients on their most significant regulatory, legal and business matters. As a former commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission and a highly regarded industry leader, Rob has been at the forefront of the most complex and groundbreaking issues facing telecommunications.

The day summit is for our fellows and select members of our network. We also have evening event on innovation in AI that is open to registration from the public. You can learn more and register by clicking the below.

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