Announcing the 2021 Young Voices Award Winners

We're happy to announce the 2021 Young Voices Award winners! You can watch a recording of the ceremony on Facebook.The winners are...

  • Rachel Chiu, Impact Award — In just one short year, Rachel has established herself as one of the most prolific voices in the tech policy space, commenting regularly on the issue area in top outlets like National Review and City A.M. We are so thrilled to watch her grow!
  • Stephen Kent, Alumnus of the Year Award — After a nearly five-year tenure as Young Voices' Public Relations Manager that ended this fall, our team was honored to recognize Stephen for his contributions to our organization in building our broadcast pitching shop. As the host of Right Now on Al Jazeera's Rightly network and the author of the recently published book How the Force Can Fix the World, Stephen's work spreading the message in the mainstream media continues!
  • Alexander Salter, Contributor of the Year Award — It's no easy task to communicate complex economic ideas to the masses, but Alexander Salter has nearly perfected the craft. As a young professor at Texas Tech University's Rawls School of Business, Alexander joined our program last year and immediately started taking off as a popular communicator of liberty. He has appeared in the Wall Street Journal's opinion section a whopping 18 times over the past year alone and is also the recent author of Money and the Rule of Law from Cambridge University Press. We can't wait to see what 2022 has in store for Alexander!

The future for liberty is brighter because of the work of these recipients. A hearty congratulations to all of them!