Announcing Young Voices 2023-2024 Annual Report

I’m thrilled to share with you Young Voices’ 2023-2024 Annual Report. For the 11th consecutive year, we’ve expanded our media reach, continuing to amplify the message of liberty across the globe. Check out the report here.

Over the past year, Young Voices:

  • Reached a record-breaking 90.7 million viewers through over 1,900 media appearances, including written publications, TV, radio, podcasts, and speeches.
  • Hosted 19 events with 1,025 participants, including debates, networking happy hours, and book tour events.
  • Expanded the Dissident Project to classrooms nationwide, launching a high school essay contest and welcoming a new class of speakers to share their stories of escaping tyranny and finding freedom in America.
  • Facilitated new job opportunities for several of our writers, including positions at the New York Post, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, and the Manhattan Institute.
  • Launched a new website,, designed for simplicity and to attract new talent, featuring a searchable talent page and event archives.
  • Set three new records for applications to our programs, Tier 1 media hits, and donations received.

These achievements wouldn’t have been possible without the support of dedicated individuals like you. Here’s to reaching even more milestones for freedom in the media!

Are you inspired by what you see? Click here to give a tax-deductible donation to support our work empowering the next generation of leaders for liberty.