Announcing Young Voices' New Logo

You might have noticed. Young Voices has a fresh new look.

Our team spent months thinking about the direction we wanted our logo to take. We boiled it down to a couple things: who we are and where we’re going.

First, the logo image itself is a combination of a few key components of what Young Voices has to offer. The speech bubble shape of our image alludes to the backbone of our entire operation: giving contributors a platform to express their unique ideas. Ultimately, what we require from our contributors is free thought and crafting good arguments to support those thoughts. Then we help them convey them to the public. That is what gives our program shape.

But the mediums through which to convey those thoughts and ideas are constantly shifting. And in a modern age of digital communication, we are pressing play on all things video and audio as we seek to bring the unique ideas of our contributors to the eyes and ears of the mainstream public—which is why we have the play button featured prominently on our logo.

Even so, we respect and urge our writers to never lose sight of what gave us our start: the written word and legacy media. The op-ed will always be at the core of our organization. Thus, the classic style font of our name denotes that commitment, even as our new logo displays our eagerness to embrace the future.

There’s a melding of two worlds in the art of communication, and Young Voices, as it’s been for nigh a decade now, will continue to be a key player in both.

Ever forward,

Emma Ayers

Director of Programs