Exciting Projects from Our Fellows

Over the past eight months, Young Voices has offered opportunities through our Policy Fellowships — a Free Society Fellowship pushing back against rising illiberalism on both the left and right, and a Technology Fellowship tackling 21st century challenges for innovation. Both programs saw fellows working on creative policy projects that enhanced their professional development and promoted free markets and individual rights.

We are happy to report the successful completion of several projects:

  • Eric Peterson - White Paper: "Regulatory Sandboxes: Where Innovation Happens": Eric published a white paper with the Louisiana-based Pelican Institute breaking down the benefits of regulatory sandboxes — how they provide temporary regulatory relief to emerging products, and how they could be used to usher in a new wave of innovation in the tech industry.  
  • Georgia Gilholy -Video Essay: “Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear”: Georgia composed a sharp, well-researched video on the dangers of facial recognition technology in the hands of authoritarian governments. Most impressively, she filmed and produced the short documentary herself with Young Voices' funding. We hope to underwrite more creative policy projects like Georgia's in the future.
  • Dara Macdonald - Free Speech Society: All Minus One: Dara used her time in the Free Society Fellowship to launch an organization defending freedom of speech in Australia. She pulled inspiration from John Stuart Mill’s famous quote that if “all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
  • Cooper Conway - Streaming Show: A Hopeful FutureCooper is launching a youth-oriented streaming show that will explore contemporary policy issues through a lens of thoughtful optimism. In the show's pilot episode (streaming now on YouTube), Cooper and his guest explore realistic solutions on climate change.
  • Elise Amez-Droz - Free Market Healthcare Policy Professional Society: Elise laid the groundwork for a networking society during her fellowship, bringing together the brightest healthcare professionals in the Washington, DC area to find free market solutions to the industry’s greatest challenges. The group met four times in 2021 and has more exciting plans for the future.

We are delighted with the work our fellows have done and look forward to seeding more of their innovative projects in the future!