Free to Speak Op-ed Campaign Launches

Young Voices is thrilled to announce our Free to Speak Op-ed Campaign! Are you or someone you know a college student affected by an administration that doesn’t appreciate free speech? If that university is listed as yellow or red on FIRE’s Free Speech Rankings, then our competition is open to you. In collaboration with the Free to Choose Network’s docuseries Free to Speak, airing October 1st, Young Voices is welcoming selected students’ op-ed submissions—to publish in university newspapers and state publications!

In response to a rising illiberal trend in our culture, many universities have adopted harsh speech codes that hinder the exchange of opinions and ideas. But thankfully, there are students who have brilliant ideas on how to change these codes to break the shackles around dialogue on campus. And those students who do are invited to participate in the Free To Speak Op-ed Campaign. Young Voices will get accepted submissions edited and polished by a seasoned team of editors who will also help pitch your piece for publication. Up to $200 can be yours for successfully-published articles. 

Click here to learn more about the Free To Speak Op-ed Campaign. Submissions are accepted through December 1st.