Introducing Our 2023 Regional Leaders!

After our inaugural class in 2022, Young Voices is excited to welcome our next iteration of Regional Leaders for 2023! 

Last year, Young Voices launched the Regional Leaders Program to spread our influence in communities across the nation. Regional Leaders will serve as representatives for Young Voices in one of five areas across the United States: Northeast, South, Midwest, Northwest, and Southwest.

In February, the Regional Leaders will be traveling to Washington, DC for a team retreat. During this training, Regional Leaders will develop their skills in the areas of recruitment, community engagement, and event planning. Afterward, they will be fully equipped to serve as ambassadors for Young Voices in their region, improving the contributor experience in the process! Now let’s introduce you to the Leaders! 

Northeast – Gabriella Hoffman: Gabriella is a freelance media strategist, political columnist, host of the District of Conservation podcast, and award-winning writer. Concurrent with her client work and media endeavors, she’s also a Senior Fellow with Independent Women’s Forum.

“I'm excited to continue as a Regional Leader with Young Voices covering the Northeast! We have seen tremendous accomplishments coming from contributors who reside in these regions and I look forward to mentoring more participants this year. It's great to see young professionals seek out Young Voices, and I can't wait to do my part to help the organization reach more audiences!" 

South – Garion Frankel: Garion Frankel is an MPSA candidate specializing in education policy and management at Texas A&M University's Bush School of Government and Public Service. His work, which focuses on American education, history, and political theory, has been published by outlets like USA Today and the Washington Examiner, as well as research institutes like the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the American Institute for Economic Research.

“Young Voices changed my life and gave me the tools I needed to become a more effective leader, writer, and advocate. I love this organization, and I'm excited to share this opportunity with the next generation of heterodox writers!”

Midwest – Tyler Curtis: Tyler Curtis works as a lender at a community bank in Missouri. He holds an undergraduate degree in economics from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, and his work has been featured at the Mises Wire and the Foundation for Economic Education.

“Having experienced first-hand how Young Voices can help writers hone their craft and get them published in high-profile media outlets, I am excited to help expand the organization's reach in the Midwest.”

Northwest – Sarah Montalbano: Sarah is a Young Voices Writer and Education Policy Analyst at Alaska Policy Forum. She graduated with a B.S. in computer science with minors in economics and data science from Montana State University in the spring of 2022. Her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Examiner, and The American Spectator.

“I'm excited to be the Northwest Regional Leader again this year. I'm particularly looking forward to the opportunity to strengthen our partnerships with regional organizations, which I began the process of last year. I'm also excited to find talent in the Northwest who may not have otherwise known about the resources and network that Young Voices provides to young people starting their liberty-minded careers.”

Southwest – Aaron White: Aaron Lloyd White is a graduate of Tel Aviv University’s Porter School of Environmental Studies. He currently works as the Director of Individual Giving for the Forward. In his spare time, Aaron can be found translating Yiddish prose, writing, or making woodcuts.

“This year's Regional Leaders program offers an opportunity to deepen Young Voices connections across the country with aspiring journalists, young policymakers, and media outlets alike. As a Regional Leader for the Southwest, I look forward to building further connections in my region through hosting events, meeting our fellows where they are, and being a participant in the continued growth of such a great organization. Young Voices strikes a conciliatory tone in a divided nation, its young scholars and journalists rising above the political fray to focus on what's important - a harmonious, peaceful, and productive society.”