MOVING FORWARD: Carbon Pricing, Digital Currencies, Loitering Laws & The CIA Spying On Americans

Playing defense will only get you so far. Kelsey Grant says Republicans would be wise to remember that this is the case in dealing with environmental policy and climate change. She says conservatives should get on board with carbon pricing.

Is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) a solution in search of a problem. Nicholas Anthony reports that the long-awaited Fed's report on CBDCs has dropped and has fallen flat.

Even well-intentioned laws can still be grossly misapplied. Regan Ferrell has an interesting take on how California's loitering laws could cause unintended mischief at the Super Bowl.

The CIA is back in the spotlight after recent revelations of even more unlawful spying on Americans. David McGarry explains why it's time for conservatives to demand answers from the CIA.