MOVING FORWARD: Coin Shortage, Oklahoma Marijuana, Online Privacy & Elon Musk Buying Twitter

Young Voices sponsors a weekly radio show for our contributors to discuss pressing policy issues and their latest work.

Moving Forward with Young Voices is hosted by Bryan Hyde and broadcasts on Radio St. George 100.3FM (KDXI-LP), a terrestrial radio station in Utah. It is also available to stream as a podcast on over 40 platforms including Podbean, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.

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This week on Moving Forward, the Young Voices radio show, we hear from contributors Nicholas Anthony, Adam Shepardson, Jane Bambauer and Benjamin Ayanian.

The change shortage started during the Covid-19 pandemic but it's still an issue in many places. Nicholas Anthony says Americans want change and private mints are the solution.

It's astonishing how many states have relaxed their restrictions on marijuana in the past 10 years. Adam Shepardson explains why the federal government should be taking notes from states like Oklahoma.

Striking a balance between privacy and security is a necessity with recent technological advances. Jane Bambauer says letting police access Google location data can help solve crimes.

Free speech has been under attack lately but there are reasons to be optimistic. Benjamin Ayanian explains how Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter is giving free speech some needed life support.