MOVING FORWARD: Defense Spending, Mask Mandates, Constitutional Carry & Hypocrisy From Russia And China

This week on Moving Forward, the Young Voices radio show, we hear from contributors Timothy Santon, Agustin Forzani, Grace Bydalek and Gabriella Hoffman.

Anyone who is paying attention to world events is getting an education in the good and bad aspects of foreign policy. Timothy Santon has a few thoughts to share on China and Russia's hypocritical foreign policy.

Government spending seems to have been greatly increasing over the past few years. Agustin Forzani warns that the U.S. should be careful about increasing defense spending.

Getting back to a society that isn't subject to mask mandates seems like a never-ending process. Grace Bydalek explains how the mask mandate drawdowns are political games.

Permitless carry of personal firearms is the next frontier for defending Second Amendment rights. Gabriella Hoffman lays out why Constitutional carry isn't a fringe policy.