MOVING FORWARD: Filibuster, Sri Lanka, Taxing the Childless & Declaration of Independence

This week on Moving Forward, the Young Voices radio show, we hear from contributors Torben Halbe, Austin Lamb, Ben Cope and Charles Brandt.

There's a growing bit of unrest throughout the world over environmental restrictions being placed on farmers. Torben Halbe explains the all-natural death of Sri Lanka as a result of its enforced "organic" policies.

Was the Declaration of Independence a cynical lie written by a self-serving slave owner? Or was it the beginning of the end for slavery in the U.S.? Austin Lamb gives us a peek behind the Declaration and its meaning.

Should those who choose not to have children be penalized for their choice? Ben Cope says the solution to an aging population is to create an environment where people actually want to have children.

The filibuster has been a time-honored tradition in America's political tradition, yet the majority party seems determined to get rid of it. Charles Brandt gives a solid accounting of why this tool is an important part of legislative deliberation.

ABOUT MOVING FORWARD: Young Voices sponsors a weekly radio show for our contributors to discuss pressing policy issues and their latest work. Moving Forward with Young Voices is hosted by Bryan Hyde and broadcasts on Radio St. George 100.3FM (KDXI-LP), a terrestrial radio station in Utah. It is also available to stream as a podcast on over 40 platforms including Podbean, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.

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