MOVING FORWARD: Russia, Build Back Better, Vaping & Glenn Youngkin's Education Policy

This week on Moving Forward, the Young Voices radio show, we hear from contributors Jeff Luse, Roy Mathews, Lillian Tara and Daniel J. Smith.

Since taking office, the Biden administration has been determined to reshape the nation's economy and culture. Jeff Luse explains why Build Back Better will fail to reach its climate change goals.

What can we learn from the Russian equivalent of NATO doing a good job of looking out for its member nations? Roy Matthews says, we can definitely see which alliance is talk and which is action.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has made serious waves in education circles since taking office. Lillian Tara warns that it's important not to lose sight of Youngkin's most farsighted education policy.

Should big tobacco be actively working to stub out vaping through regulatory effort? Dan Smith has the details on who is in on the effort.