We Just Destroyed Our Previous Record


Last night, Young Voices broke its record for the most applications to our cornerstone Contributor Program for rising communicators for liberty. In total, we received 110 applications for our fall class, 16 more than our previous record in spring 2021.

Starting in July, applicants accepted into our fall Contributor class will learn the nuts and bolts of opinion commentary, submitting articles to our team of professional editors for pitching to major media outlets. The best ones will even appear on radio and TV.

In total, Young Voices' network is averaging 150 media hits to over 8 million viewers per month.

That's not all for this application round! We also received:

  • 60 applicants for our Advanced Tracks Program, encouraging alumni from our Contributor Program to continue excelling in their work as writers, commentators, speakers, and policy fellows;
  • 15 applicants for our Communications Apprenticeship, training those who are looking to jump into the communications field – whether that be nonprofits, broadcast/media, or public relations.

In total, we received 185 applications to our fall programs. The number speaks for itself: Young Voices is in higher demand than ever before.

We are building an ecosystem of libertarian and conservative leaders that is changing the face of media. Will you support our work making liberty mainstream?

Casey Given
Executive Director
Young Voices

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