Young Voices in the News (April 1-14)

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International Policy Digest: "How Biden Can Bring North Korea Back to the Negotiating Table" by Gabriela Bernal

The Washington Times: "Is ‘State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth’ really the" by Grayson Quay

1828 - Championing Freedom: "Can Scotland survive and thrive as an independent nation?" by Luke Ashton and Noah Khogali

RealClear Policy: "To Avoid Regulatory Snags, Facebook Needs to Empower Its Own Oversight Board" by Alexandra Harrison

Townhall: "Dear CDC, Please Stop Extending the Eviction Moratorium" by Emilie Dye

The National Interest: "Wolf Warrior Diplomacy: Why Beijing’s Aggression in Bhutan is Working" by Georgia Gilholy

FEE: "How One Federal ‘Stimulus’ Program is Crippling Small Businesses and Boosting Monopolies" by Kenneth Schrupp

RealClear World: "How Germany Has Worked Around Nord Stream Sanctions" by Sebastian Thormann

The Buffalo News: "Vaccination passports are barrier to equity for WNY" by Jen Sidorova

InsideSources: "The Internet Doesn’t See State Lines: This Is Why That Matters" by Diana Martinez

InsideSources: "State Bans on Tobacco Products Are a Disaster" by Katherine Revello

The Advocate: "After pandemic experiment, lawmakers should support easier access to telehealth" by Eric Peterson

International Policy Digest: "Scottish Independence Means Independence from the EU" by Luke Ashton

1828 - Championing Freedom: "Starmer can’t play it safe for much longer" by Connor Tomlinson

Times of Israel: "The Holocaust happened outside of Europe too" by Georgia Gilholy

The Washington Times: "Why is Biden’s infrastructure plan punishing private investment?" by Alex Muresianu National Review: "Don’t Mistake Accounting for Economics" by Alexander Salter

The Hill: "Green tech isn't all it's cracked up to be" by Kat Dwyer

Responsible Statecraft: "Why is military surplus still pouring into American communities?" by Molly Davis

The National Interest: "Why Internet Shutdowns Are Dangerous, Even for Liberal Democracies" by Rachel Chiu

The Atlantic: "The Case for Luxury Housing" by Nolan Gray

CityAM: "Brexit: Paperwork and bureaucracy have created barriers at the border as tough as tariffs" by Alice Calder

National Review: "Biden’s Tax Plan Will Destroy American Jobs" by Travis Nix

CapX: "How Germany's top court could ruin the EU's spending bonanza" by Sebastian Thormann

Reaction: "Obesity has made Covid deaths worse - but let’s not learn the wrong lessons" by Jason Reed

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