Young Voices in the News (April 15 - 30)


Townhall: "INFORM Act Is All Pain, No Gain" by Satya Marar

The Federalist: "How China's Leverage In Higher Education Erodes Americans' Rights" by Rachel Chiu

Conservative Home: "Starmer’s Efforts to Make Labour Seem Patriotic aren’t Fooling Anyone" by Nathen Allen

Newsweek: "Biden Shouldn't Stop at Afghanistan Troop Withdrawals" by Fiona Harrigan

Washington Times: Court of Public Opinion About Matt Gaetz and Hunter Biden Needs to Take a Recess" By Sean-Michael Pigeon

Washington Examiner: "Democrats Want to Subsidize the Rich and Make You Pay For It" by Travis Nix

1828: "Are Covid Marshals a Step Towards a Surveillance State?" by Tom Spencer

RealClear Energy: "Joe Biden’s EV Dreams Are Just Another Government Boondoggle" by Kat Dwyer

Washington Examiner: "Winning the Olympics in Beijing Would Send a Stronger Message than a Boycott" by Patrick Kennedy

Washington Examiner: "How to Prevent Wildfires Without More Government Interference" by Hannah Downey

The National Interest: "Could India’s Vaccine Diplomacy Displace China?" by Georgia Gilholy

National Review: "A Global Minimum Tax Would Do Maximum Global Damage" by Tom Spencer

CounterPunch: "Forced Patriotism is Un-American: Arkansas and the Anthem" by Abby Hall Blanco

Express: "After Covid disaster Surely Game's up for Pitiable World Health Organizaton" by Jason Reed

RealClear Policy: "States Shouldn't be Introducing Content Moderation Bills" by James Czerniawski

The Washington Times: "Want to Depoliticize the Supreme Court? Don't Pack it, Follow Britain's Lead" by Tom Spencer

CounterPunch: "Don’t Make Consumer Freedom a Victim of Cancel Culture" by Katherine Revello

Conservatives Global: "We Don’t Need State Meddling in the Digital Marketplace" by Jason Reed

Washington Examiner: "Like Greta Thunberg, the WHO Values Virtue-Signaling Over Policy Outcomes" by Jason Reed

Reason: "There's Nothing Modern About MMT" by Alexander Salter

RealClear Policy: "New Rule Could Prioritize Grants for Critical Race Theory" by Sarah Weaver

CityAM: "European Tech Regulation Will Hold Back Free Competition and Hand Power to Digital Giants" by Kir Nuthi

Orange County Register: "The WHO’s Unchecked Mission Creep Threatens Civil Liberties Everywhere" by Jason Reed

The Washington Times: "Protecting Charitable Donors from Harassment and Intimidation" by Rachel Chiu

The Federalist: "Elites Want To Extend COVID-19 Lockdowns Forever For 'Climate Change'" by Connor Tomlinson

Orange County Register: "California’s ‘Net Neutrality is Already Backfiring on Consumers" Satya Marar

