Young Voices in the News (August 1st - 15th)


Spiked!: "E-Cigarettes are not our enemy" by Jason Reed "Banning vape sales will do more harm than good" by Jason Reed

International Policy Digest: "U.S. Should Lift Sanctions on Cuba to Promote Liberty" by Samuel Teixeira

The Spectator Australia: "A tax-and-ban strategy won't help tackle obesity-as Britain shows" by Jason Reed & Emilie Dye 

InsideSources: "To Reach Net-Zero, the Free World Needs to Ramp up Its Mining" by Jason Reed 

Orange County Register: "California needs private school choice" by Cooper Conway

New York Daily News: "Send back the bad food delivery bill" by Rachel Chiu 

Penthouse Australia: "Banning Free Porn Won't Make It All Go Away" by Emilie Dye 

1828: "The problem isn't that grading isn't fair now-it's that it has never been" by Ariana Wolde 

Mirror: "Smoking bans don't work-nor will cracking down on vape and cigarette sales" by Jason Reed

Washington Examiner: "The media is lying. On COVID, Florida is still doing well" by Tyler Shanahan  

Free the People: "Why Aren't More Americans Getting Vaccinated?-Blame the FDA" by Ray March 

Townhall: "Progressives Will Never Get Unity Until They Kill Cancel Culture" by Caleb Ashley

International Policy Digest: "Germany's Green Party has Some Growing Up to Do" by Alexander Bowen

Texas Public Policy Foundation: "North Texas school districts must take responsibility for their financial woes" by Gary Frankel

Free the People: "Disarming City Dwellers Won't Mitigate Surge in Violence" by Samuel Mangold-Lenett

Washington Examiner: "The eviction moratorium is a house of cards" by Abby Hall 

Mirror: "Alarmism undermines fight against climate change and alienates young people" by Jason Reed

CapX: "Covid rules are trumping decency and common sense in the NHS-I've experienced it" by Alys Watson Brown

Orange County Register: "Amy Klobuchar's proposal to kill off internet freedom" by Kenneth Schrupp 

City AM: "The pandemic has the power to set back gender equality and care burdens-we mustn't let it" by Alice Calder

RealClearEnergy: "Biden's Environmental Virtue-Signaling Helps No One" by Sarah Montalbano

National Review: "With Gas Prices High, Biden Tells OPEC: Oil for Thee, but Not for Me" by Jacob Puckett

The Daily Bell: "Critical Race Theory Wins Because Economics Is Boring" by Josh Shin

The National Interest: "The U.S. and China Must Rule Out an All-Out Cyberwar" by Ariana Wolde 

Project Forever Free: "Let's Stop Talking About Critical Race Theory and Empower Families Instead" by Cooper Conway

Techdirt: "Stop The Antitrust Gerrymandering" by Eric Peterson 

CounterPunch: "Why Banning Free Porn Would Hurt, Not Help, the US" by Addison Hosner

The Salt Lake Tribune: "No climate change isn't the only reason for wildfires" by Kat Dwyer