Young Voices in the News (June 1st-June 15th)


Conservative Home: "Starmer has Handed Sunak a Rare Opportunity on Tuition Fees. He Should Take It" by Calum Paton

Restoring America: "3D-Printed Ghost Guns Make Firearms Bans Dangerous" by Parker McCumber

Carolina Journal: "Why You Should Support the Nuclear Energy Bill Moving Through NC’s Legislature" by Jeff Luse

American Thinker: "Playtime's Over: It's Time for the Crypto Industry to Put On a Tie" by Ganon Evans

The National Interest: "Does the United States Need a Reserve Space Fleet?" by Alexander William Salter

Daily Caller: "Giving The Left A Taste Of Its Own Medicine Might Make Them Reconsider Their Woke Tyranny" by Mike Viola

C3 Solutions: "Debt Ceiling Permitting Provisions Offer Good First Step to Meaningful Reform" by Sarah Montalbano

Orange County Register: "California's Government Should Stay Out of the News" by Benjamin Ayanian

The National Interest: "To Compete with China, Promote Internet Freedom from Space" by Luke Hogg

Sun Sentinel: "Florida’s Ban on Chinese Citizens Buying Property Goes Too Far" by April Liu

RealClearReligion: "Blessings of Liberty: How Public Christianity Made Americans Free" by Tyler Curtis

Newsweek: "Federal Action on Housing Affordability Is Past Due" by Elijah Gullett

International Policy Digest: "Nigeria’s Oil Sector Needs a Free Market Approach" by AbdullahTijani

RealClearEnergy: "New Climate Report Emphasizes the Need for Energy Innovation" by Jeff Luse

Washington Examiner: "Twitter Content Battle Demonstrates Importance of Section 230" by Kenneth Schrupp

The California Review: "New Study Proves You Shouldn’t Blame Cows for Climate Change" by Kenneth Schrupp

Townhall: "DeSantis' Early Campaign Gets the Blue Check From Fiscal Conservatives" by Mike Viola

Orange County Register: "AI Destroying Creative Writing Jobs is Probably a Good Thing" by Jeremiah Ludwig

The Hill: "Why the EPA’s New Carbon Emissions Rules Will Win in Court" by Ethan Brown

Townhall: "IRS Overstepping Bounds with 1099-K Reporting Rule" by Gabriella Hoffman

The National Interest: "Up For Grabs: Why America Must Map the Moon" by Roy Matthews

RealClearScience: "AI Will Help Us Build a Lunar Internet" by Roy Matthews