Young Voices in the News (May 17th - 31st)


The Hill: How to Make America Beautiful” by Hannah Downey

The National Interest: 26 Years On, Tibet’s Panchen Lama Remains in Chinese Custody” by Georgia Gilholy

The American Conservative: Why Twitter Isn't Manly” by Emma Ayes

1828: In Defence of Amazon” by Tom Spencer

The Federalist:Why Biden’s 'American Families Plan' Is Anti-Family At Its Core” by Grayson Quay

CapX: The Chilling Scenes Outside the Israeli Embassy Show the Urgency of Tackling Anti-Semitism” by Georgia Gilholy

CityAM: DEBATE: Should GPs Continue Virtual Appointments Post-pandemic?” by Georgia Gilholy

Wall Street Journal: “‘Common Good’ Conservatism’s Catholic Roots” by Alexander Salter

The Register-Guard: Lift the Online Charter School Cap” by Cooper Conway

The Washington Times: Time to Rein in Federal Reserve’s Lawless Monetary Policy” by Alexander Salter "Why Starmer should follow Drakeford on universal basic income" Tom Spencer

RealClear Policy: "Oklahoma Shouldn't Be Suing Johnson & Johnson Over the Opioid Crisis" by Jacob Rich

The Hill: "Media safe harbor bill won't actually help local news" by Rachel Chiu

RealClear Education: "To Unite the Nation, Biden Should Take Up School Choice" by Cooper Conway

Orange County Register: "Eulogy for Mathematics in ‘woke’ California" by Tahmineh Dehbozorgi

The Daily Signal: "I Got Paid a Duplicate Stimulus Check, and It’s Probably Bad News" by Tanner Aliff

CityAM: Boris Johnson's Interventionist Obesity Strategy Will Fail. ” by Jason Reed

Indianapolis Business Journal: "Sen. Braun’s Climate Leadership Sets Stage for Progress" by George Gemelas

1828: Conservatives and Liberals Alike Must Get Behind Protecting the Environment” by Jason Reed

TheArticle: "The Nimby Factor: Why I Was Ejected From My Tory Planning Committee" by Charles Amos

RealClear Policy: "America Doesn’t Need Biden's New Deal to Revive the Economy" by Kat Dwyer

Washingon Examiner: "Loudoun County Parents Take the Lead Against Critical Race Theory" by Sarah Weaver

The Washington Times: "Banks Attacking Credit Union Undermine America’s Civic Sector" by Casey Given

1828: Cummings is Right. Britain’s Political System Inherently Promotes Incompetence” by Charles Amos

National Review: "Give Clean Energy a Hand Up, Not a Handout" Jakob Puckett

InsideSources: "Why Merrick Garland’s Police Reform Approach Will Be Useless" by Molly Davis

Spiked!: "We Need to Build More Beautiful Homes" by Tom Spencer

Newsday: "Best Way to Live Off Campus" by Jen Sidorova