Young Voices in the News (May 1st - May 15th)


Newsweek: "Hillaire Belloc Points the Way to Common-Good Capitalism" by Alexander Salter

American Thinker: "A Centralized Bank Digital Currency Would Harm Our Economy" by Parker McCumber

Daily Caller: "This Heartland State Is Slipping Away from the GOP" by Miranda Spindt

American Thinker: "The Real Meaning of the SpaceX Explosion" by Benjamin Ayanian

The National Interest: "The Space Force Can't Win Without Rapid-Launch Satellites" by Roy Mathews

The Cap Times: "Wisconsin Activists Push Politics in Classrooms" by Miranda Spindt

Conservative Home: "The Challenge of AI. Why We Need Development Sanctuaries for It Here in Britain." by Alex Petropoulos

Townhall: "Education Choice Empowers Californian Family Facing Continuous School Closures" by Cooper Conway

The Federalist: "Washington's Rifle Ban Doesn't Hold Up Under Any Scrutiny" by Cody Wisniewski

The Salt Lake Tribune: "Utah Makes Progress on Digital IDs for Citizens, with Blockchain Technology as a Bonus" by Luke Hogg

The Washington Examiner: "DeSantis Takes Aim at Big Tech but Clocks Small Businesses Instead" by Ganon Evans

Newsweek: "Progressive Prosecutors and the Inconvenient Democratic Will" by Joshua Crawford

DC Journal: "A New Path for Gig Workers" by Caden Rosenbaum

RealClearEnergy: "Natural Gas Hookup Ban Restricts Consumer Choice" by Sarah Montalbano

The American Mind: "Crony Baloney" by Alexander Salter

Daily Caller: "If Biden Doesn't Help This US Ally, China Will" by Benjamin Khoshbin

The Spectator Australia: "Qantas Vaccination Policy" by Edmund Stephens

National Review: "Biden's New Vehicle-Emissions Rules Need Rethinking" by Danielle Zanzalari

The Hill: "Bring Back the Original Purpose of Mother's Day" by Elizabeth Grace Matthew

RealClearScience: "Could We Turn the Moon Into a Giant Power Plant" by Roy Mathews

The Diplomat: "Japan Welcomed This Ukrainian Refugee. Here's What He Had to Say About the Process." by Emily Schroen

International Policy Digest: "Foreign Students Locked out of Workforce by Bureaucracy and Red Tape" by April Liu

The American Spectator: "In UK and US, Tough on Borders Means Tough on Civil Liberties" by Harrison Griffiths

Reaction: "Western Media Must Not Lose Focus on Russia's Global Atrocities" by Luc Woodhall Gillard