
Eloy Vera

Eloy Vera is an activist and freelance journalist from Argentina. A former organizer and communicator at Students for Liberty, he served for two years as an editor in SFL’s LatAm blog and magazine. Since, he has engaged in a number of media projects, participating in all stages of the creative process, from management and logistics, through marketing research and strategy, to crafting and delivering content. Eloy has written for national publications, interviewed academics and legislators, and been invited as a commentator in radio and TV, both in Argentina and abroad. After a term as an intern in at the Cato Institute, Eloy developed an interest in the English-speaking media environment and is currently trying to steer his career towards that market. He’s also interested in making future forays in cultural and art criticism. Eloy is currently finishing Law School in his native Bahía Blanca, where he also engages in local politics, university research and social outreach.
Policy focus
International Affairs
Free Speech
Consumer Choice

Media Hits (

